Home Termite Control Sydney
Brad Anderson knows termites. He even teaches a course on them. Videoing him was an education and lots of fun. His videos have dramatically lifted his conversion rate of visitors to his website.
Brad’s real name is Bez. He is from Iran. Video is a brilliant way for him to demonstrate to our multi-cultural society that he knows lots about termites. He is now seen as an expert in the field rather than just another pest inspector. Video has also helped overcome any potential barrier when people may not understand his accent. By creating a series of short videos it has also generated more traffic to his website.
Learn more of the Home Termite Control Story
Check out the Home Termite Control YouTube channel
The adding of a personal testimony via video has added to the conversion rate of the website. Written testimonials are great and should be used whether possible - but when someone is seen and heard in video it makes the testimony more powerful and believable.